Monday, June 30, 2014

Banana Pineapple Cantaloupe Golden Sunshine Smoothie

This delicious smoothie is called Golden Sunshine Smoothie for a few reasons... With the most obvious being that is the color of the Sun, and the other being that it is packed with many vitamins and nutrients including vitamin C! This smoothie is a great way to stay hydrated and cool during these hot summer months.

Let's just break down the nutritional value of a glass of this smoothie. The banana will make you feel full of energy and is also known for it's great potassium content. Bye bye cramps! The pineapple will add sweetness to the smoothie as well as tons of disease fighting Vitamin C! The cantaloupe is also one which boosts immunity and holds a ton of Vitamin A and so does the carrot. Ginger is known for it's anti-inflammatory effects, and it's always best to incorporate some greens for added benefits. The healthy fat of the Flax seed is known to reduce the risk of heart disease.... See my section on the Healthy Omegas for a great avocado substitute recipe!

Within a few minutes I was able to whip up a visually appealing smoothie recipe with a great taste to back it up. It's so refreshing.... Check out the easy peasy recipe below!
1 medium banana
1 cup of diced pineapples
1 cup of diced cantaloupe
1/3 piece of a medium carrot
1 tsp of grated ginger
1/3 cup of spinach
2 Tbsp of flax seed oil
1 to 1.5 cups of water
Add all ingredients into a blender and blend for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. This usually depends on the consistency of smoothness that you like. Again my preferred choice is the Vitamix. Enjoy!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Five Minute Stawberry Lemonade

With the warmer climate approaching us here in Florida, nothing says bring on the summer more than a day outside with a tall glass of chilled, sweet, and tangy pink lemonade. In the summer, temperatures here can reach well into the 90's and even 100's so it's always best to stay completely hydrated to prevent dehydration.  This summer drink is so refreshing and easy to make. No need to spend lots of time juicing lemons and cleaning up the mess behind the process. It literally takes about 5 minutes to make from start to finish, inexpensive,  and once it's complete it is one of the most refreshing drinks which will make everyone say "Ahhhh".

1 or 2 lemons
1 to 2 cups of strawberries (can be fresh or frozen)
Sweetener of choice (I used 1/3 cup of sugar)

1. In a large 1 gallon pitcher, add enough ice to fill it approximately 2/3 full.
2. Take lemon(s) and peel and remove seeds. This step is important to make a less bitter tasting lemonade.
3. In a Blender add 1500ml of water, peeled lemon(s), and strawberries. Blend on medium high speed for about 45 seconds or until desired consistency is obtained.
4. Add sugar or sweetener and blend on low speed for about 10 seconds.
5. Combine the ingredients to the pitcher full of ice, mix, pour,  garnish, and enjoy!

I use the Vitamix for my blender of choice, just because I prefer a less chunky lemonade. Also, if I have a seed or two left behind, or if my lemon is not perfectly peeled, the Vitamix has the capability to break through seed and peel.

I've also seen recipes on the internet where a drink will call for other ingredients such as mint leaves, ginger, kiwi, and raspberries! The possibilities are completely endless! Feel free to share input below.

Cheers to a hot, yet hydrated Summer!


Monday, March 31, 2014

10 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong!

I've been together with my husband since high school (about 13 years). A lot of my friends wonder how we've made it work, and how we've lasted so long. There are a few things that we've had to compromise and sacrifice in order to make our relationship work for us both. A lot of people look at our lives and feel that everything must be perfect and must had been perfect, but that is far from the truth. We've had to put in a lot of work a lot of time. The saying is true that the grass is not always greener on the other side, but it's greener where you water it! Below are just a few things I believe one must water their grass with in order to make a relationship work.
1. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF - in about 10 minutes you can usually tell what a person's intentions are. If you are getting red flags from a  conversation be honest with yourself and ask where is this relationship going to go and what am I looking for? You have to be honest with yourself and no what your morals and beliefs are. These must lineup with your significant other.
2. YOU MUST COMPROMISE WITH YOUR PARTNER - A relationship cannot be one sided, you must compromise on some things that really do not matter. If not, you will find yourself arguing over the little things that do not matter. This is a recipe for disaster and a quick break up. 
3. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY - you have to be able to trust your partner and your partner partner must be able to trust you. Can you imagine being in a relationship where you can't trust your partner every time they are out of your sight. Or  your partner always questions you about your whereabouts. Once a person break another one's trust it is typically hard to get that trust back, but it is not impossible.
4. KEEP YOUR FRIENDS OUT OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP - it's okay to have friends that you talk to about the small things in your relationship. However, if you are having a huge disagreement with your partner it is best to keep your friends out of it. You'll find that your friends are there to support you and when you're thinking irrational they may be irrational as well just because they are your friends. It is always best to talk things through with your partner.
5. FOCUS ON THE POSITIVES- it is easy for us to focus on all the negative things, all the things which irritated, all the things that are bad about our relationship or partner. Find the things that attracted you to each other in the first place and grow on those things. Yeah he may snore, chew with his mouth full, or talk with a lisp, but at the same time he's very caring, intelligent, and motivated.  Do the positives outweigh the negatives?
6. FOCUS ON THOSE THINGS WHICH BROUGHT YOU CLOSER TOGETHER - are you noticing that your partner's seems uninterested in the relationship? My best advice would be to focus on those things that made you fall in love with this person and vice versa. 
7. BE EACH OTHER'S BIGGEST MOTIVATOR AND CHEERLEADER - have you ever heard someone say that their partner is their bestfriend? Usually best friends are those who support you in everything that you do and what year you on in till the end. Your partner can absolutely be your best friend to you. If you have this type of relationship you're bound to have a healthy and long relationship with your partner.  One thing that one shouldn't do this to bring their partner down when they're trying to succeed.
8. SPICE IT UP A LITTLE - for those relationships over a few years, sometimes it's hard to interest. I mean let's think about this... it is like eating the same meal everyday. Think of all the different ways one could make some chicken! So to keep the spice in the relationship do things different a little, think outside the box, and just be free spirited!
9. MAKE TIME FOR EACH OTHER - I have friends who say that they feel that their significant other is just their roommate and they're only living in the same house. This can be true if people are busy with work, or busy with other thing in their lives. But you really have to make time for your partner even if its once a week where you guys get together and go out to eat. At least it's just your time together and no one else can interrupt. SO important.
10. REMEMBER THAT NO RELATIONSHIP IS PERFECT - it's hard to do not compare your relationship to celebrities who you see on TV, or your friends who posed great things about their happy and perfect relationship on Facebook and Instagram. Let's be honest, how many times have we been surprised to see that a so called perfect relationship didn't work out?  Plenty of times! You have to remember that people only post positive things and happy things on Facebook and Instagram so it may seem that way,  but you never know what is going on behind closed doors so never compare. Your relationship is just right.... it's 'perfect'!
I am by no means an expert in the field of love, relationships, or marriage.  This post is only to share things that have worked in my life and relationship and at only my opinion!  Please subscribe to!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Super Easy Avocado Spread

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."  ~Leonardo da Vinci

I usually substitute in my Avocado Spread in place of mayonnaise. We all know the importance of having healthy fats incorporated into our diets. See my blog that discusses "The Fatty Omega" which talks about the different omega fatty acids and the benefits of each! In particular, Avocado is considered to be an omega 9 fatty acid, nutrient dense food rich in vitamin C, K, B6, and healthy unsaturated fat, to name a few.  The avocado is considered a non-essential monounsaturated fat. These fats have shown to help with cholesterol (specifically lowering LDL's) and heart disease.

The creamy and delicious avocado spread recipe is listed below. You will be blown away by how easy it is to make such a nutritious spread!

The avocado spread looked so appetizing, I actually took a bite out of my sandwich before I took a picture of it!

Super Easy Avocado Spread Recipe

1 ripe Avocado
2 Tbsp of lemon juice
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper

1. Peel the Avocado and place into a medium sized bowl.
2. Add the lemon juice, which is used to help preserve the color of the avocado.
3. Incorporate together using a fork.
4. Salt and pepper to taste.
5.  Use it on sandwich or salad of your choice!

It usually keep fresh in the refrigerator for about a day or so when wrapped or placed in an air tight container. Depending on your preference, you could also add some fresh garlic, garlic powder, or red pepper.  Enjoy!


The "Fatty" Omegas

"Everywhere in the world, you find good things."  ~ Jean Reno

I ran across an article which talked about the differences in the omega fatty acids.  I didn't realize that there are different types of omega fatty acids and the different roles each play. When people diet, they try to stay away from fats all together. However, fats are vital for healthy brain function, skin, and bone health. Many play a role in maintaining cell membranes as well as help fight chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Research is also showing signs of helping alleviate symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis. Fats never looked soooo good!!

Nonessential omega fatty acids are those which can be produced on our own. Essential omega fatty acids are those that have to be obtained through what we eat.

Omega 3 fatty acids
When we think of fatty acids, we all have some knowledge of the omega 3's. Many people take fish oil supplements because of the known health benefits from them. These fatty acids are essential ones and are found in fish, walnuts, canola oil, soybean oil, flax seeds, and chia seeds. These omegas give an anti-inflammatory benefit when eaten, and have been shown to help with mood, memory, and cardiovascular disease. When I make my smoothies, I typically would add 2 tablespoons of flax seed oil to make sure I get this essential fat.

Omega 6 fatty acids
These omegas are also essential fatty acids which can be found in sunflower seeds, corn oils, borage oils, and primrose.  Some other sources to obtain the omega 6 is from meats. These play an important role in brain, reproductive, and bone health. Research is even showing that it improves the symptoms from arthritis.

Omega 7 fatty acids
The new fatty acid on the block is the omega 7s. These are considered non-essential omegas. Good sources to obtain omega 7 fatty acids include macadamia nuts and cold water fish. Some benefits seen include those to the skin by boosting collagen and protecting against sun damage. In recent studies in Japan, these omegas were shown to help reduce inflammation, reduce insulin resistance, and moreover help with weight loss and maintenance. I'm definitely going to incorporate some macadamia nuts into my diet!

Omega 9 fatty acids
This fatty acid is also considered a non-essential monounsaturated fat. These fats have shown to help with cholesterol (specifically lowering LDL's) and heart disease. One would typically find this fat in olives, olive oil, avocados, pecans, and other nuts. I enjoy substituting in avocados for mayo. Check out my easy Avocado Spread recipe!