Saturday, December 21, 2013

An Affordable Mason Jar Holiday Idea for Coworkers


"These days , you've gotta milk a dollar out of every dime." ~Gale Forman

Are you in need of an affordable holiday gift for the office or a small group of friends? I've done some research on the use of the mason jar and adapted a thrifty, frugal, yet creative idea for the perfect holiday gift! It takes a little time to create them and I would advise giving yourself a day or two ahead of time to make them so they are not rushed. I was able to create 10 Apple Banana Cinnamon Pancake mix for my coworkers to take home and use for about $28 bucks, which is less than $3 a gift!!

To create each Apple Banana Cinnamon Pancake Gift Mix you will need....

Supplies needed:
A food dehydrator
16 ounce Mason jar with lid
Large Funnel 
Holiday Ribbon
Burlap Ribbon
Burlap Twine or string
Hot glue gun
Labels (optional)

Ingredients needed:
1 cup of dehydrated Apples and Bananas
3 cups of Self Rising Flour or Wheat Flour, or even Gluten free flour
3-4 Tbsp of Sugar
2 -Tbsp of Ground Cinnamon
1 Tbsp of Nutmeg

To start, the apples and bananas will need to be dehydrated for 10-12 hours.  One can opt to use store bought dehydrated apples and bananas but it will be costly to do so. To make your own, fill a medium bowl with water and lemon juice and set aside. This will be used to treat the fruit and prevent it from turning brown. Using a peeler, take each washed apple and create card stock thin slices of apples. Do the same for the bananas using a knife. Place in the lemon water for no longer than 5 minutes. Place the treated fruit on the dehydrator and let them dehydrate until they are dry. Once complete, store them in an air tight container until ready to use.

Wash, dry, and place each mason jar in the oven for about 10 minutes at 450 degrees. This will ensure that they are completely dry which is essential! DO NOT PLACE THE LIDS IN THE OVEN. Remove them from the oven and let them cool for 30 minutes.
Using a funnel, add flour, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and dehydrated fruit to each jar being sure to tap the jar. this will ensure that flour is packed nicely and will have less air in the jar.  Wipe any residual ingredients from the rim of the jar. Place the lid on and set aside. You can choose to mix all the ingredients together before hand if it is easier before placing in the mason jar.
Making sure the outside of the jar is free of dry ingredients, Place the burlap ribbon around the jar and secure with hot glue or tape. Next, take the holiday ribbon cut enough so that you will have enough to tie a bow around the mason jar, on top of the burlap ribbon. Then, cut a few strands of Burlap twine and tie around the neck of the mason jar.
Creating the ingredients and message can be entirely up to you. I found some cheap small pack of 12 envelops at Jo-Ann's for $1.50 and a piece of textured card stock for about .20 cents which I cut to fit into each envelop nicely. Using a red sharpie I wrote "Happy Holidays! From TJ" on one side and the ingredient list on the other side using a black pen.  If you have labels you can also write on the outside "Apple Banana Cinnamon Pancakes," or place this inside the envelop. Either way be sure to inform your recipients of what ingredients they need to add:
1-2 Tbsp of oil
1 slightly beaten egg
3/4 cup of milk or more
Using a hole puncher, make a small hole at the corner of the envelop and tie it onto one of the burlap twine.
This affordable holiday gift idea is very versatile and can be used similarly at baby showers, bridal showers, and much more! Be sure to give feedback below!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Almond milk recipe

"If you really want something you can figure out how to make it happen." ~ Cher

Nothing gets me more excited than to figure out how to make a recipe on my own, especially when I'm able to save a few dollars.  Almond milk is so versatile and one of my favorite things to use in my cereal and protein shakes. I've even used it once when a recipe called for buttermilk and added a tbsp of vinegar to a cup of almond milk.

Almond milk is low in calories, contains no cholesterol or saturated fats,  and is high in several vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium,  iron, & fiber. For those who are lactose intolerant almond milk may be a great choice. A downside of almond milk is that it has less protein than cow's milk.  It can also cause an allergic reaction to those with nut allergies.
I usually buy Silk 30 Calorie Almond Milk at Publix whether or not it is on sale because I use it so often.  One half gallon usually cost around $4. When I make my own I obtain 4 cups for every 1 cup of organic raw almonds.  If you shop in bulk you could probably get a really good deal when making your own almond milk.
To be honest there is not a large amount of money that could be saved by making your own almond milk. Reason being is that the price of almonds comes in about $4-5 per pound. It takes 2 cups of almonds to make about 1/2 a gallon of milk and I'm sure the shelf life is significantly shorter than store bought almond milk. Sometimes Publix will have a buy one get one deal on their almond milk, so essentially you would be paying $4 for two.
The benefit to making my own almond milk is that I know exactly what is in it and can make it exactly how I want it. Some recipes call for dates to give a little more sweetness to the taste. Not to mention that it is fun and makes me feel liberated once I make a batch!

Homemade Organic Almond Milk
You will need a blender of some sort and a fine mesh strainer. I recommend using the Vitamix.
3 cups of water
1 cup of organic raw almonds
1 pinch of salt

Add all ingredients to the blender and blend for about 1 minute or until the desired consistency is obtained. For commercial grade almond milk, run the mixture through the strainer.  Enjoy!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Beet, Carrot, and Apple Juice Recipe - Power Juice

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."  ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Beets are one of the world's healthiest foods packed with nutrients and antioxidants. They are rich in beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, and vitamin A, B, & C and contain naturally occurring nitrates which help with blood flow and blood pressure.

Many people report feeling full of energy after drinking a glass of beet juice or eating beets. My first recent encounter with a beet was when a coworker introduced me to her beet juice made with ginger and apples. My first thought before I tried it was  negative, and I thought it was going to taste strong, bitter, and 'earthy'. I was absolutely wrong... It was sweet, delicious, clean, and tasted nutritious! Talk about feeling full of energy and not being fatigued at work. It was like some sort of mind boosting and energizing potion. I was even blown away by  seeing a big difference in my cardio workout that night while at the gym. This superfood was definitely one that needed to be added to my list of great foods.

The beet is my favorite vegetable to juice and is so versatile.  My favorite recipe usually calls for me to juice it with something sweet like an apple or pear. I usually add ginger for the spiciness and anti-inflammatory health benefits. Besides the anti-nausea effects that the ginger has, I've even read about its anti-colon cancer properties. Flaxseeds or flaxseed oil is usually added to my juices or smoothies due to the richness in the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). There is also evidence that it could help reduce the risk for heart disease and stroke, as well as protect against certain cancers. The benefits of the Flaxseed are just as impressive as the beet! I usually add a green leafy vegetable such as spinach or kale. Rich in vitamin A, C, and K and minerals, this nutrient dense food is a must to keep in my diet. The carrots of course are known for their richness in beta-carotene which helps with vision.

The Power Juice Recipe

2 organic peeled beets
2 organic apples
2 organic carrots
1/2 cup of organic spinach or kale
2 Tbsp of flaxseed oil
1 Tbsp of raw honey
2 Tbsp of grated ginger
1 cup of water

1. Juice - beets, apples, and carrots (set aside).
2. Blend - spinach, flaxseed oil, ginger, honey, and water. Strain if desired.
3. Combine all Power Juice ingredients together and enjoy!

Depending on how one prefers their consistency and what is on hand, you can definitely use only a juicer or only a blender. I can usually obtain about 24 fluid ounces from this recipe and store the remainder in mason jars for about 24 -36 hours.

Are you a fan of the Beet? Feel free to share your recipes and comments below!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Do I Dare Venture?!

"Begin, be bold and venture to be wise."  ~ HORACE

So seriously, what's the deal with all of the healthy eating and healthy lifestyle stuff that is booming all over the internet and magazines? Why can't we just incorporate into our diets whatever our tastebuds desire such as that delicious, warm, and homemade macaroni and cheese with sour cream, layers of cheddar, and whole milk? This is what we call comfort food, and I'd prefer to be content and comfortable.

Last Spring,  I decided to change my eating habits and increase my cardio and my current exercise regimen. I have always been very active, athletically built, and just overall in great shape. Not to toot my own horn, but I was one of those people who you would hate to hear rant about toning up when they gained an extra 5 lbs of water weight. My physique was due to good genetics, being active during my NFL cheerleading career, and just taking pride in myself and my looks. Although I've always considered myself as a physically fit individual, I was dealing with something I'd describe as ugly and unpleasant on the inside of health.

For years I had been dealing with metrorrhagia and had been on several types of oral contraceptives. It was just some mystery and the only response I would get was it was a common side effect of using birth control. During its onset, I would have to deal with pure inconvenience and embarrassment... But after all of those years, I had learned to live with metrorrhagia.

My OBGYN finally thought outside the box and ordered a glucose tolerance test to rule out polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) because during a transvaginal sonogram she noticed that I had a few cysts on my ovaries. On top of this wonderful news, my glucose tolerance test came back to show that I had borderline insulin resistance!  I was completely devastated. How could someone like me be dealing with PCOS and insulin resistance? I didn't eat too crazy and my BMI was ideal. I, fortunately, was not diagnosed with PCOS, but I was a hop and a skip away from it!

With all of this valuable information regarding my health, this was all the motivation that I needed to change up what I was doing and get my health under control. I decided to cut back on my carbohydrate intake and replaced most of them with whole grains (oats, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat breads and pastas). I have always been a stress eater and would indulge in chips and cookies during late hours and at work. Being a registered nurse, this was one of the hardest things I had to do. Most know that it is hard to eat properly in such stressful environments.  I have never been a meat eater and had found it challenging to eat enough protein throughout the day. This still  a challenge and obstacle I am overcoming  but will share my current ideas and recipes. I would also love to hear some meatless recipes if you guys have them! I've also never been the type to eat fruit, but I sure do love my sauteed vegetables. To get the most out of my produce, I've turned to juicing and smoothie making which is my ultimate love because it is so beneficial to my health and tasty. One can really get lost in these recipes and get creative in the kitchen. Of course, organics are the only way to go when juicing because of all the possible side effects from pesticides including cancer, infertility, and skin irritation.

This blog is setup to help inspire others with recipes, ideas, and feedback. This world of ours is so broad and there is a ton of knowledge out there to help individuals like ourselves keep up with current information. This way we make informed decisions about our health! If this sounds like something that you would enjoy, please, please subscribe to this blog!